Be good or else
photo © Jurgen Rijsdijk | tagcode: UPC0513 | Theme: Morning Madness
10 May '13 11:00 by Urban Photo Collective in Rotterdam
If you have done something wrong you could end up in this building for a short stay or for quite a while.
They buzz you in and lock the gate and door behind you. After you have been processed you will be brought to your room where they will close the door behind you and make sure this door is locked as well, to make sure you will not escape.
Nowadays this building is out of service, we have an opportunity to walk around and take a look behind these doors that used to be locked.
If you join us you have to be brave or we have to leave you behind the lock and key. You might want to bring your tripod, you probably need it.
Please be on time, the door will be locked behind us. The meeting will start at the bridge Noordsingel, Burgemeester Roosstraat, we are going in together.
Erwin @everweij 0650631263
Thomas @ThomasDral 0625282938