Historic Delftshaven
photo © Bojoura Stoltz | tagcode: UPC0113 | Theme: B&W Memories
20 Jan '13 13:00 by Thomas Dral in Rotterdam
This month we are going to search for Memories in the Historic Delfshaven. We gather at the entrance of Metro Delfshaven (A, B, C) Jan Kruijtstraat at 13:00. From there we go exploring Delfshaven and looking for Memories to capture them.
Come preferably by public transport, parking Delfshaven is paid through the busy streets there are few parking spaces.
2013-01-20 13:00:00
B & W Memories
This month we are going to search for Memories in the Historic Delfshaven. We gather at the entrance of Metro Delfshaven (A, B, C) Jan Kruijtstraat at 13:00. From there we go exploring Delfshaven and looking for Memories to capture them.
Come preferably by public transport, parking Delfshaven is paid through the busy streets there are few parking spaces.
https://maps.google.nl/maps?f=q & source=s_q & hl=nl & geocode= & q= & aq= & sll=51.910291,4.44585 & sspn=0.004918,0.013701 & t=h & ie=UTF8 & ll=51.91008,4.447253 & spn=0.004918,0.013701 & z=17 & iwloc=lyrftr:h,0x47c434ec60827f09:0xb255f14e67459e48,51.909888,4.446362 & output=embed
https://maps.google.nl/maps?f=q & source=embed & hl=nl & geocode= & q= & aq= & sll=51.910291,4.44585 & sspn=0.004918,0.013701 & t=h & ie=UTF8 & ll=51.91008,4.447253 & spn=0.004918,0.013701 & z=17 & iwloc=lyrftr:h,0x47c434ec60827f09:0xb255f14e67459e48,51.909888,4.446362″ style=”color:#0000FF;text-align:left
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