Land art
photo © Steven Bos | tagcode: UPC0914 | Theme: Food
26 Oct '14 11:00 by Marieke van der Perk in Wilhelminapolder
Meetingpoint: parking place at the crossing of Langeweg and Deltaweg
Thinking of the subject ‘food’…
It has just been harvest time. The farmland in Wilhelminapolder is bare again. What’s left are structures, textures and… land art.
“Nine huge sculptures by Michael Beutler. They are intended to make visitors to the Wilhelminapolder aware of the differing elevations that give this polder its characteristic profile. Beutler was commissioned to design the sculptures in commemoration of the 200-year anniversary of the polder.”
informatie Polder Peil
“De negen sculpturen van Michael Beutler willen de bezoekers van de Wilhelminapolder bewust maken van de verschillende hoogtes die deze polder zijn eigen karakteristieke profiel geven. Beutler kreeg de opdracht ter gelegenheid van het 200-jarige bestaan van de Wilhelminapolder.”