photo © Marco de Waal | tagcode: UPC0715 | Theme: Surprise!
05 Jul '15 10:00 by Urban Photo Collective in Rotterdam
This year we bring you Madness in many forms.
For this years annual Urban Photo Collective Event, we’re going on a journey in your imagination. We will explore the raw style of a dystopian world. And we will also travel into a dream world that may have never existed. This years meeting promises to be a very unique event as for the first time we have very different themes on the same location. Those being Mad Max and Madhatter.
Would you like to be part of this year’s Madness?
The admission for the event for photographers is € 20,-. If you want to join, please wire to the bank account of Urban Photo Collective, with the account details below. Feel free to send us your donation to support the Urban Photo Collective.
Account: Stichting Urban Photo Collective
IBAN: NL57 INGB 0004 8641 26
Description: UPC0714 + Your Full name + Your e-mail address + donation:{yes/no}.
Want to be our model?
Participating as a model or MUA is free of charge.
If you want to participate as a model you can do so by sending an email to models@urbanphotocollectiv
No Refunds!
If you would like to pay the admission for more than one person, please send us separate money transfers. This will allow us to process all applications faster.
Registration closes on July 1
If you’d like to mention this event on social media, please use the hashtag #UPC0715 And also feel free to contact us via social media or if you have any questions!
Please note: No Lunch included.
If you are going to be there, let us also know via Facebook.