Stillness near the city

photo © Peter Winterswijk | tagcode: UPC0114 | Theme: Stillness
02 Feb '14 09:30 by Jan van der Meer in Den Bosch
This month we’re a little too late for the January meeting to actually be in January, so two meetings are planned in February…
Stillness on 2-2-2014 at 9:30 and on 23-2 with the “Here is the News” theme (details will follow)
Nature near the hectic side of the city of Den Bosch, swamps, rare kinds of grass en above all a big iron railroadbridge built in the late 1800’s – early 1900’s for the transport of leather to Waalwijk.
Meeting point is the parking lot near the intersection Deutersestraat / Honderdmorgensedijk (+51° 41′ 4.60″, +5° 15′ 46.90″)
Jan van der Meer