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Let’s Glow Underground

photo © Thamar Kiemel | tagcode: UPC1113 | Theme: Underground

16 Nov '13 19:00 by Jan van der Meer in Eindhoven

Let’s GLOW Underground,

Quote from GLOW website :”The theme of GLOW 2013 is ‘Urban Playground’. The city is transformed into the playground of various light artists. Playing is written in our genes, we do it from childhood. In the daily grind, full set patterns and habits, we are not so aware of it, but in fact we are playing people. Discover, try and experiment are necessary elements to innovate. In Eindhoven both creative innovators, smart scientists and ambitious sports men and women get plenty of space to explore new horizons. Here the TU/e, the High Tech Campus and the Design Academy are located and the city is also the home of football club PSV. This year the Philips Sports Club celebrates its 100th anniversary and certainly with the theme ‘Urban Playground’ that is a great excuse to take the art route through the football stadium.”

Every year GLOW is recurring in the UPC calendar, it is a big event that is well visited from people all around.

Meeting point is in front of Eindhoven CS where we will meet at 19.00 hrs


see you there
