- 17 Jan '17 Beleid UPC
- 10 Mar '15 The importance of postprocessing
- 02 Dec '14 Double exposure
- 23 Sep '14 50mm
- 27 Jun '14 Infinity – Ex-Host Fokko Muller
- 17 Jun '14 Infinity – The Past
- 10 Jun '14 Infinity – hidden features
- 20 Apr '14 Checkpoint
- 29 Nov '13 Tell a story
- 10 Nov '13 Halloween
Keep in Touch
30 Dec '12

written by Thamar Kiemel | photo © Claire Droppert
Portrait-right, this year there was this interesting case in the Netherlands about this topic. At a Harley show a photographer stepped towards one of the bikers to ask him to take a picture. The biker, a heavy weight, heavily tatoed man agreed and leaned a litte bit further over his motorbike to make a good shot.
What the biker didn’t know is that his picture was used for a Dutch photo-book called “Platter en Dikker” (shallow and fat) a book that was made by journalist Hofland and photographer Visser about the Dutch society groing more anti-social. unike streetphotography in the early days, a photo doesn’t get published unnoticed nowadays. So the biker saw the image, went to court because he felt it was provocing and deminishing his privacy. He lost the case.
The photographer didn’t tell the biker about the context he was going to use the photo, allthough he knew wat he was up to. There is something to both sides of the story, and as a photographer i think we always have to reconsider certain photo’s and the interaction with the ones we work with. At the HQ these kind of discussions are very common.
At the next PhotoCocktail on January 4th we like to discuss the topic “Trust” photographers, models, content creators are all welcome to join in.
We start with bubbles to celebrate the new year at 18:30. To have a good start for the foundation we like to ask for donations of any kind: If you have some holiday left overs please bring them for this Photo Cocktail night. A donation in the foundation is welcome on the account of Stichting Urban Photo Collective (ING 4864126).
Happy 2013!